Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Problem- How do I effectively communicate online One Global Issues that is facing the world today?

keywords/ phrases- online, communicate, global issues, world, web 2.0 apps

research the problem- use some web 2.0 tools to make a website containing information about the issues for the people to look at (WIX app), also use communication tools (YouTube) to put own videos about the issues onto the website that was created.

Design Brief
By using WIX, anyone can create flash websites simply using the drag&drop features built in onto the website. You can also put your own audio and video recordings onto the websites and you tube videos from the net. this can help people learn more about the issues through the websites created by using WIX. If there are many views of the website I created, I would know that the message about the issues have been sent to other people in the world.

style used on other websites about climate change
color- green, blue, brown (colors of the earth)
styles- simple, some with flash content
media- pictures of impacts, few videos about how to solve climate change

find wix at

Design specification


Must have

- a search engine to research the website and information

- the WIX program from
- any video & audio recording program (audacity, Quick Time X, movie maker, or many others)

- a computer (windows or mac)

Should have

-microphone to record audio files

-a camera on the computer to record video files

(only if you want to put media onto your website)

Must have

-information about the global issues

-some flash or mov. content about the issues

-pictures and videos from YouTube or google images

-bibliography to give credit to people who created original pictures and videos

Should have

-navigation bar on top for easy surfing in the web page

-some graphics for the flow between pages

-highlight button near cursor

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