Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 environmental issuses

1. Climate change

Climate change was called "global warming" because the climate was rising. now it is considered as climate change because for last year, the summer was hotter but the winter was very cold compared to the other past years. This is because of the pollutants given out by people and natural disasters. When a volcano erupts, a lot of carbon dioxide, dust and soot is released. But, many harmful gasses come from factories that people operate.

2. Ecosystem losses

Every year, the number of trees and forest areas decrease by a large amount. This is because of the people have to make space to live to support the increasing population, to produce paper, wooden products. These are all because of people's needs to support their lives. The large companies have a greed to make money and people want these products so the ones in developed countries can afford to pay a large amount for their needs. Because of decreasing forest areas the animals that used to live in those areas have no where else to go and head towards extinction.

3.Water deflects

Because of pollution, increasing population, there is less clean water for people to drink. In developed countries, the water systems have the technology to clean dirty water into clean, drinkable water. In the world, most of the water is salty ocean water that needs cleaning. In undeveloped countries, many people think that it is OK to drink polluted water if it's heated but isn't true.

4. Poverty

Poverty is a big issue in the world today. In fact, most of the people in the world don't have enough food to eat and die of starvation. Even if they have rice, they can only afford for one meal a day and just rice isn't a good source of minerals and other nutrients. Even many small children in poor areas die after few weeks after birth. Many donations can be made from developed countries to solve this problem.

5. Education for all

In developing countries, people might have the money but don't know how to spend it on education. Even there are schools in some countries but the government doesn't have enough money to pay teachers and school supplies. The schools can't have many children because of limited resources so many children have a dream of going to school.


In forests and undeveloped areas, diseases are a big problem because of growing bacteria and low hygiene. Doctors aren't educated so they only know the old ways of treating diseases but many people still don't get better. The countries don't have education to create effective medicines, and there aren't enough people to study about medics. The richer people in developing countries usually move to developed countries to make more money.

7. natural disaster prevention

Developed countries have the technology to change the environment when a natural disaster occurs. For example, when water levels rise people just have to push a button to activate dams, and also generate electricity at the same time. But in many poor countries, the government doesn't pay for drainage and for protecting the citizens of rural areas. There is a higher chance of getting affected in those areas.

8.Digital divide

It is a true statement that only about 370 million people have access to the Internet in the world, out of more than 6 billion people. Only the richest people in the world can afford to buy computers and the Internet connection from their homes. When the radio systems stop, the people have no way of getting information from the developed countries.

9. Biotechnology rules

Biotechnology is a new division in science that started to appear few years ago. Now, people are starting to have experiments on larger animals for use on humans, instead of using mice. It is true that pigs have many similar things in common with people but they just treat the animals as an apparatus for experiments. This can lead to conflict against animal rights.

10. Illegal Drugs

Illegal drug trade has increased over few years even the security has improved. The people in black markets make a lot of money, because of even one gram of illegal drugs costs a lot of money. Scanners and dogs in airports can still prevent drugs from entering the country but there are probably hidden drug farms in rural areas. The countries have to have complete control on the farms with data.

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